Storck & Hartig Brewery – WI 453c

Storck & Hartig Brewery opened in 1877 and closed in 1884 it was open for 7 years. This brewery was open for quite a few years so it is easier to find items and advertising than some breweries that did not last long, this can make the Breweriana items less valuable. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Storck & Hartig Brewery was located in Schleisingerville, WI, which only had 3 breweries, so there are not many that that were producing breweriana items. Local collectors may pay a small premium over national or general collectors because of a lack of local items.

For help finding information about or the value of your Breweriana or Old Brewery items, please contact us:

Breweries listed under Schleisingerville, WI 453

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
WI 453aBenedict Kornburger Brewery18681870
WI 453bL. Rosenheimer Brewery18701877
WI 453cStorck & Hartig Brewery18771884
WI 453dChas. Storck & Co. Brewery18841888
WI 453eChas. Storck Brewery18881895
WI 453fChas. Storck's Brewery18951903
WI 453gEstate of Chas. Storck Brewery19031904
WI 453hStorck Brewing Co.19041912
WI 453iStorck Cooperative Brewing and Malting Co19121913
WI 453jStorck Brewing Co.19131920
WI 453kStorck Products Co. Brewery19331953
WI 453lStorck Brewery Inc19531958

Breweries listed under Schleisingerville, WI

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
WI 452John Klinger Breweryc18601870s
WI 452.1William Hartig Brewery18771877
WI 453aBenedict Kornburger Brewery18681870