Arnold Brewing Co. – MI 266a

Arnold Brewing Co. opened in 1902 and closed in 1907 it was open for 5 years. Breweries that are only open for a couple of years like this did not have a long time to produce advertising and collectibles so they tend to be more scarce than breweries with more longevity. As a Pre-Prohibition Brewery, any advertising items or collectibles are likely to be valuable and desirable to collectors as they tend to be hard to find. Arnold Brewing Co. was located in Sault Ste. Marie, MI, which only had 3 breweries, so there are not many that that were producing breweriana items. Local collectors may pay a small premium over national or general collectors because of a lack of local items.

  • Address Information: 944/946 East Portage Ave

For help finding information about or the value of your Breweriana or Old Brewery items, please contact us:

Breweries listed under Sault Ste. Marie, MI 266

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 266aArnold Brewing Co.19021907
MI 266bSoo Brewing Co.19071919
MI 266cSoo Beverage Co.Unknown1934
MI 266dSoo Brewing Co.19371943

Breweries listed under Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Brewery IDBrewery NameStart DateEnd Date
MI 266aArnold Brewing Co.19021907
MI 267Rheinbrau Brewing Co.19341934
MI 268aSpitzig & Vogt Brewery18821883